Laurel Heights SDA Church Blog

Toward a Closer Walk

Just A Minute With God - Part 1

In the turmoil of COVID-19 I hear people say that if there really is a “God” He would not allow the coronavirus and all that it has caused - no food, no work, everyone scared, people dying, trapped inside our houses … to happen. We are irrefutably in a local, national and global crisis. As a result, as one I was talking to the other day said, “If there is a God, can’t He stop all this death and struggle?”

I don’t believe God goes around hurting people. I believe Satan is responsible for all that. Instead God says, “… lo I am with you always, even to the end of the world.” Matthew 28:20b (KJV) He will help us through any and all situations we are faced with. Stay tight with Him.

Dear God, thank you for your promise that you will be with us no matter what. Help me to trust you more. In Jesus Name, Amen

- Pastor Bill Lindeman

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