Laurel Heights SDA Church Blog

Toward a Closer Walk

I was probably about eight or maybe ten years of age. I was helping my dad take supplies down to our fishing boat the Cygnet II. I was at that age when you want to show that you can do more than you might really be capable of. Our boat was tied alongside another boat at the Northern Machine Works float in Ketchikan Alaska. I was carrying a box of supplies from the car to our boat. I can remember walking down the gang plank and onto the float where our boat was tied. I set the box on the rail and climbed over the rail onto the deck. I then stepped up onto the hatch cover and jumped to the rail on the other side of the boat. It was just a short jump then from that rail to the rail of our boat. I misjudged the distance and went down between the two boats. Being in the water between two boats with the wind and currents in the harbor was a very dangerous place to be. I admit today that it scared the living daylights out of me. At the moment the most important thing for me would be to be in the safe presence of my big strong dad. It seemed like I went down forever but then came up reaching for safety. The next thing I knew dad had me by the hand and pulled me up and onto the deck of our boat. I was unhurt but wet, and very thankful to be alive.


I have learned over time that seeking Jesus in my life is the most important thing that I can do. I would like to suggest 4 things that can help:


  1. Prioritization – Seek Him by putting Him first in your life. We need to be focused on the things of God rather than the things of this earth. Matt 6:33
  2. Communication – Seek Him through talking to Him in prayer, listening to Him (prayer is not a one-way street) and reading about Him in the Bible. Ps 119:18
  3. Humbleness – Seek Him as one who wants to learn. We don’t have all the answers. We need to acknowledge our need. Isa 66:2
  4. Surrender – Seek Him by telling Him that you know that His way is better than our ways. Ps 119:2-3


When I was down between those two boats, somehow, I thought it was all over. I had heard many stories of people who had lost their lives in that very same way. What a blessing it was to learn that day that I didn't have to claw my way out of the water to find my dad. He was right there. I reached up and he did the rest.


It's the same way as we seek the presence of God in our lives. We reach up to him by putting him first in our lives, seeking him by communicating with him, being humble in our approach to him, and surrendering to his will. God is never far away; in fact, we will find ourselves in His presence as we seek Him with all our heart.


Lord God, as we are continuing to go through the uncertain results of COVID-19 we realize that our only real hope is in you. Help us to keep you as number one in our lives, spend time communicating back-and-forth with You, approach You humbly setting our pride aside, and being surrendered to Your will in our lives. Please help me/us, Lord Jesus, to find You as I/we seek you with all my/our heart. In Jesus name, amen.


Pastor Bill Lindeman

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