Meeting times
Sabbaths: 11:00 am, 2 pm, and 7 pm. Thursdays: none Sunday thru Wednesday and Friday: 7:00 p, There will be a Q & A nightly at 6:30 pm prior to the evening meetings
March 1: a) But Who is He, Really? (Character of God) - 11:00 am b) One God, Three Persons, Endless Grace (The Godhead) - 2:00 pm c) How Can I Know He Can Be Trusted? (The Bible) - 7:00 pm
March 2: Life As It Was Meant to Be (Creation and the Nature of Humanity) - 7:00 pm
March 3: God's Character on Trial (The Great Controversy) - 7:00 pm
March 4: For God So Loved (The Gospel) - 7:00 pm
March 5: A Hope that Saves (Salvation) - 7:00 pm
March 6: No Meeting
March 7: The Struggle is Real (Growing in Christ/Sanctification) - 7:00 pm
March 8: a) In Newness of Life (Baptism) - 11:00 am b) Called Out (The Remnant and Unity in the Church) - 2:00 pm c) The Ten Promises (The Law, Sabbath, Christian Behavior, Marriage and Family) - 7:00 pm
March 9: One Body, Many Gifts (The Gift of Prophecy and Stewardship) - 7:00 pm
March 10: The Body and the Blood (Communion) - 7:00 pm
March 11: What's He Doing Now? (Sanctuary/Investigative Judgment) - 7:00 pm
March 12: When Will This Mess End? (Death and Resurrection) - 7:00 pm
March 13: No Meeting
March 14: We (Still) Have This Hope (The Second Coming of Christ) - 7:00 pm
March 15: a) When Sin is No More (Millenium) - 11:00 am b) Eden Restored (The New Earth) - 7:00 pm
Featured, Worship Service
Laurel Heights SDA Church - Sanctuary
Laurel Heights SDA Church
Phone: 210-732-6898 210-732-6898
Address: 703 W Ashby Place San Antonio Texas United States
Yes, I will attend
Not sure I will attend
No, I will not attend